Sustaining Equity-Driven Systems Change

The 2023 NSF’s Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES National Network National Convening with be held in person on August 2-4, 2023, at the Westin City Center in Washington, DC.

The Convening objectives are to celebrate the INCLUDES National Network, learn from people most directly affected by NSF INCLUDES, build and strengthen relationships among INCLUDES National Network members, elevate and strengthen commonalities and connections across broadening participation efforts, and learn about actions we can take to sustain our work. We would like to collaborate with members of the Alliance Collective to ensure that the Convening centers the needs of Network members and participants/partners in this work – to reflect on these draft ideas together and then to operationalize our collective “big ideas” into strands, sessions, workshops, etc.

Contact for details.


Visit Native Fews Alliance





The Sloan Foundation will award seed grants of up to $250,000 to U.S. STEM doctoral programs advancing systemic change to dramatically increase diversity, foster inclusion, and close equity gaps, with the potential for large-scale, long-term investment to follow.


Submission Process


Proposal submissions will follow a three-step process. Each phase of this process is a building block for the next and is designed to help prospective grantees develop successful applications:

1. Pre-proposal for 2-year seed grant: maximum of 10 pages, plus appendices, due May 5, 2023.

2. Full proposal for 2-year seed grant, 20 pages plus appendices, due October 1, 2023.

3. Full proposal for 4-year implementation grant, 20 pages plus appendices, due date to be determined. The implementation proposal solicitation will be provided to seed-grant recipients during the award period.


Explore the award page and register for Informational Webinars here

Download pdf here


Harnessing the Power of Data

ACS Fall 2023
August 13 – 17, 2023
San Francisco, CA

The CGS Summer Workshop for Graduate Deans offers participants a fresh focus on hot topics that affect every facet of graduate education. Complementing the Workshop is the New Deans Institute, a program tailored to orient new deans and to integrate the Workshop experience.
The CGS Board of Directors, staff, and other specialists serve as core faculty for both the New Deans Institute and Summer Workshop.


Event location and dates:
July 8 – 12, 2023
Denver, CO


Explore CGS’s upcoming meetings page

The conference features more than 400 technical sessions and thousands of authors and speakers, with peer-reviewed papers spanning all disciplines of engineering education; topical plenaries, including the main plenary; provocative panel discussions; award ceremonies and social events; Focus on Exhibit Events; and workshops on topics ranging from new tools and technologies to research-proven, practical tips for improving teaching, learning, and equity…


Abstracts are OPEN for the 2023 Annual Conference
Deadline: Nov, 7, 2022

ASEE 2023 Annual Conference page