Career Mentoring
Stony Brook University’s PhD Career Ladder Program, developed by graduate students, for graduate students, serves as a nimble and cost-effective national model for PhD career development and exploration. The PhD Career Ladder Program is a student-led career mentoring program that takes students through an eight-step curriculum of self-assessment, career exploration and preparation for a job search. Stony Brook University continues to focus on expanding, improving and institutionalizing the PhD Career Ladder Program, and testing its effectiveness as a career development tool.
PhD Career Ladder Program: A Grassroots Approach to Career Development

STEM Mentoring
Eastern Michigan University piloted a Mentoring Certificate program designed to expose STEM graduate students to evidence-based practices in mentoring and well-being.
This work is grounded in models of graduate student socialization and socio-cognitive career theory, designed to address the multiple underlying causes of declining well-being, and simultaneously train graduate students to be effective mentors.