Corrie Kuniyoshi, PI, American Chemical Society
Joerg Schlatterer, CoPI, American Chemical Society
Gundula Bosch, PI, Johns Hopkins University

Who Should Attend?

Research Administrators, Researchers, Grant Writers, PostDocs, Trainees, and others in the research community.

  • Are you new to working with the NIH Grants Process? If so, these events are perfect for you!
  • More experienced with the NIH? We’re providing valuable resources, contacts, and special events for you too!

Learn about NIH grants policies!
Interact with NIH experts!
Engage and network with your peers!
Gather resources to use and share with colleagues!


Watch over 25 sessions here


Grants Home


Highlighting the importance and just integration of our multiplicity, the 2023 AAAS Annual Meeting will feature groundbreaking multi-disciplinary research – research that advances knowledge and responds to the needs of humanity.



Event location and dates:
In person or virtually
Washington D.C.
March 2 – 5, 2023

Explore 2023 AAAS Annual Meeting here

Where thousands of chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge.



Event location and dates:

Indianapolis, IN & Hybrid
March 26 – 30

Explore ACS Meetings & Expos here



The conference features more than 400 technical sessions and thousands of authors and speakers, with peer-reviewed papers spanning all disciplines of engineering education; topical plenaries, including the main plenary; provocative panel discussions; award ceremonies and social events; Focus on Exhibit Events; and workshops on topics ranging from new tools and technologies to research-proven, practical tips for improving teaching, learning, and equity…


Abstracts are OPEN for the 2023 Annual Conference
Deadline: Nov, 7, 2022

ASEE 2023 Annual Conference page