Integrating Team Science into the STEM Graduate Training Experience
This project addressed team collaboration challenges by developing materials to train graduate students to work in teams and by measuring the effectiveness of these materials. The project took a novel approach to curriculum development by drawing on best practices in team training from a wide range of sources such as the healthcare industry, aviation, and the military. Adaptation of these materials to meet the needs of graduate students will ensure that the students become effective team members and leaders who can advance science and engineering throughout their careers.
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Two key strategies for long-term sustainability
The Whole Elephant Podcast

This project showcases the work of the ETDI, helping students, faculty, and staff learn how to best work and thrive together in teams. The ETDI provides a framework for bringing together the strengths and perspectives of different team members and creating innovative solutions to team-based problems.

Effective Team Dynamics (ETD)
The Effective Team Dynamics Initiative creates opportunities to reshape team experiences by asking three key questions: "Who am I? How do I team? How do we team?"
To request curricular materials on strengths and teamwork for your online course, email
Scalable Programs
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