Held at Morgan State University and hosted by Jackson State University and NSF, this workshop is part of a broader event to encourage HBCUs to submit competitive proposals to NRT and IGE programs and encourage STEM students to pursue graduate study in STEM fields. View the video presentations below.
Dr. Alina Mosley, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, JSU offers her welcome, followed by a welcome from Dr. Charisse Carney-Nunes, Division of Graduate Education, Deputy Director, NSF.
Dr. Daniel Denecke, Program Director, Division of Graduate Education, Directorate for STEM Education, NSF presents an overview of the IGE program.
Getting Funded is Just the Start
Dr. Susan E. Brennan, Professor of Cognitive Science, Stonybrook University, presents on what she’s learned from successful NRT grants and what she wishes she’d known before she started the process.
Overview of the NRT-IGE Program
Dr. Daniel Denecke, Program Director, Division of Graduate Education, Directorate for STEM Education, discusses an overview of the NRT-IGE program.
See NSF Recommendations for a Successful IGE and NRT Proposal here