Communications & Writing

Montana State University-Bozeman modernized STEM graduate education by pinpointing aspects of oral communication training that positively impact students’ abilities to communicate orally to a wide variety of audiences, and increase the public’s understanding of and engagement with science.


Fostering Effective Oral Communication Skills for STEM Graduate Students

Data Science

The SOLution-oriented, STudent-Initiated, Computationally-Enriched (SOLSTICE) approach is a teaching method for improving graduate student training in data intensive fields.
Using a data-intensive, project-based learning approach, graduate students worked collaboratively to design, evaluate, and disseminate research in team environments.

STEM Graduate Training in Data Science: Solution-Oriented, Student-Led, Team-Based, Computationally-Enriched (SOLSTICE) Training

Project Management

Iowa State University established sustainable learning communities of Graduates for Advancing Professional Skills (GAPS) and designed a new framework of training that adapts the project management skills from industry to academic research.

Learning Communities of Graduates for Advancing Professional Skills (GAPS): Integrate Professional Skill Training with Thesis Research

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