
pd|hub Collections

The pd|hub Collections are compilations of nationally-sourced educational models focused on professional development for STEMM PhD students and postdocs. Through access to these Collections, faculty and staff from institutions around the country can obtain resources and training to enhance their own educational programs for STEMM PhD students and/or postdocs.


STEMM PhD graduate students and postdocs have a critical need for educational interventions that support the complex, iterative developmental process of career exploration. The pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists is an NIH-funded resource from Professional Development Hub (pd|hub) designed to support STEMM programs in addressing this need.

This inaugural pd|hub Collection features curated, peer-reviewed educational models designed to guide and support PhD-level STEMM graduate students or postdocs as they learn about and evaluate a breadth of career options. The pd|hub Collection provides detailed implementation guides and expert consultations to support institutions to efficiently adapt, implement, and evaluate one of these models for ongoing use in their training programs.

Two cohorts of Implementation Sites (2022-2024) will be supported via an initial grant from National Institute of General Medical Sciences – NIGMS (R25GM139076). Implementation Sites receive full access and support to implement a model from this pd|hub Collection at their home organization. Ongoing support includes access to the following:

-Implementation guides and annotated lesson plans
-Training in key areas, such as developing an inclusive learning environment
-Ongoing expert consultations within a community of practice to help you overcome challenges
-Centralized evaluation tools and data collection to enable efficient, data-driven evolution of educational approaches

Applications for the first cohort of Implementation Sites are due December 21, 2022.

Following data collection across these sites, detailed resources will be published for broader dissemination.


> Explore more with pd|hub Collections