
STEM Professional Awareness, Advancement, and Development (PAAD)

By Cynthia Sides, PI

The PAAD program has been built around the concept that today’s graduate students who are obtaining degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are likely to have a number of different STEM-related careers during their professional tenure. These STEM-related careers can include positions in academe, business and industry, start-up company development, government and public policy, and law. Each requires a diverse set of skills not necessarily taught in a traditional STEM program.

This project will develop a new model to provide a holistic approach to career awareness, advancement, and development for STEM graduate students by providing broad professional preparation intertwined with technical training. NRT-supported faculty from STEM and non-STEM fields will receive training that will help them propose and develop novel curricular and co-curricular concepts and methods that support one or more of the four tracks for student training: patent law, public policy/government, academia, or commercialization/entrepreneurship.


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