TRIAGE: Techniques for Resolving Intragroup Conflict to Advance Graduate Education
This project will test the effectiveness of novel approaches to educate a new generation of conflict-embracing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduate students. As the challenges tackled by STEM professionals are increasingly complex and require wide ranging expertise, organizations often look to teams to generate creative, innovative solutions. Accordingly, graduate students entering today’s STEM workforce are expected to work on interdisciplinary, cross-functional, and demographically diverse teams. Although such teams have tremendous potential for innovation and creativity, diverse teams are at an increased risk of team conflict. Existing tools for building teamwork skills do not adequately address conflict management skills and rarely focus on the graduate student population.
This award is focused on developing and testing new approaches to prepare graduate students as effective teammates by building conflict management skills to facilitate effective teamwork when they enter the workforce.
Read the abstract here.