Rose Marie Ward, PI, University of Cincinnati (formerly with Miami University) Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Learning Communities.

Himanshu Jain, PI, Lehigh University​ Partnerships with Researchers in Industry for Doctoral Education (PRIDE).

Gundula Bosch, PI, Johns Hopkins University​ R3ISE across the Disciplines.

Corrie Kuniyoshi, PI & Joerg Schlatterer, Co-PI​, American Chemical Society​ Impact Indicators and Instruments for Individual Development Plans.

Diana Nicholas presents on Creative Interdisciplinary Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE).

Eric Vance, UC Boulder, presents on Transforming the Education and Training of Interdisciplinary Data Scientists (TETRIDS).

Loren Pietsch, Bridget Walsh, and Markus Kemmelmeier present on supporting doctoral students and involving their families in grad school.

Program Assessment & Evaluation – A 12-Step Process

In this Idea Lab, learn about a 12-step process for engaging in continuous reflection and improvement to ensure that our programs effectively meet their objectives and make a positive difference in the lives of our targeted stakeholders. Led by Dr. Janis Bush, PI for an NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) grant, this Idea Lab will draw from lessons from a recent initiative, Advancing and Strengthening Science Identity through Systematic Training (ASSIST).

Securing Leadership Buy-in & Other Strategies for Research Project Sustainability

Are you looking to enhance the sustainability of your research projects and programs in graduate education? This webinar focused on implementing effective strategies for long-term success. This session provided practical guidance on securing leadership buy-in and developing robust strategies to ensure the continued impact of your initiatives.