Gundula Bosch, PI, Johns Hopkins University

  • Proposal and Presentation Limits: Participants may be included in a maximum of four General Conference proposals total regardless of role (e.g., co-author, symposium participant).  A participant may appear on the conference program no more than five times in total across all roles and formats (e.g., chair or symposium participant) during the General Conference. These limits apply to the General Conference and do not include pre-conferences. Please keep this in mind as you submit proposals and agree to participate in collaborative submissions.
  • Assignment of Reviewers: To ensure the Program Committee has enough reviewers to provide substantive feedback to each proposal we will once again engage our membership more fully in the review process. We encourage all ASHE members to volunteer to review. Those ASHE members who are terminal degree holders (e.g., Ed.D., J.D., Ph.D.), are listed as an author/co-author on any proposal(s), and who did not sign up as a reviewer in the ASHE Conference Portal may be assigned up to 12 proposals to review as needed.


Submit a proposal or volunteer to review



Who Should Attend?

Research Administrators, Researchers, Grant Writers, PostDocs, Trainees, and others in the research community.

  • Are you new to working with the NIH Grants Process? If so, these events are perfect for you!
  • More experienced with the NIH? We’re providing valuable resources, contacts, and special events for you too!

Learn about NIH grants policies!
Interact with NIH experts!
Engage and network with your peers!
Gather resources to use and share with colleagues!


Watch over 25 sessions here


Grants Home


Join the CGS community in San Francisco!

Networking and professional development opportunities abound, including pre-meeting workshops, plenary and concurrent sessions and exhibits. Annual Meeting participants will explore important issues in graduate education. Enjoy a unique forum to meet leaders in your field and exchange ideas and information.

Graduate deans; associate and assistant deans; faculty and staff from colleges and universities; association, federal and state agency, and other education-related administrators; graduate students, and others interested in graduate education are welcome.


Meeting Dates and Location:
December 7-10, 2022
San Francisco, CA


Register here 

Findings on Supporting Doctoral Students and Involving Their Families in Graduate School will be presented at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Conference.
Authors: Bridget A. Walsh, Sarah Mitchell, Matthew Aguirre, David Zeh, Keira Hambrick


Minneapolis, Minnesota

2022 NCFR Annual Conference