S.M.A.R.T. Goals, Mentor Maps, and Values: Developing Your Professional Identity

As few as 50% of STEM doctoral students complete their degrees within seven years, with lower rates of completion for those from underrepresented groups, it is useful to identify ways to improve doctoral and postdoctoral education so it will support larger numbers of students and do so in a way that bolsters their professional development.

These activities were developed and piloted for small groups of doctoral students. Because we know this model works, we highly recommend that you find at least two other graduate students from chemistry or another discipline. In our learning community, we observed strong value added in reflecting on and discussing with other students and faculty. This interactive component allowed us to see different perspectives and strategies.
> To access The Graduate and Post Doctoral Chemist’s S.M.A.R.T. Goals, Mentor Maps, and Values: Developing Your Professional Identity




Authors: E. Yezierski, S. Bretz, A. Diekman, R. Ward