Accelerate to Industry

North Carolina State designed a bold, new approach to workforce training for graduate students: Accelerate to Industry (A2i)™.  With A2i, graduate students can explore the ample employment opportunities with industry companies on the NC State Centennial Campus, in North Carolina, and across the US.

Implement A2i on your campus

Graduate Identity Formation through Teaching

With Graduate Identity Formation through Teaching (GIFT) at Boise State University, graduate students in STEM disciplines serve as content experts. They teach undergraduate education majors (i.e. teacher candidates) STEM content. Then, teacher candidates transform the STEM content into mini-lessons for elementary school students.

Implement GIFT on your campus

PhD Career Ladder Program

The Stony Brook University PhD Career Ladder Program (PCLP) is a peer-led career mentoring program for grad students and postdocs pursuing any career pathway. Peer leaders guide small groups of participants “up the ladder” of career exploration through seven bi-weekly steps. The steps roughly follow an Individual Development Plan or IDP-like structure from self-assessment and career research, to skill identification and professional development to networking and goal setting. Participant outcomes see an increase in preparedness and a sense of confidence and self-efficacy in pursuing diverse careers.

Implement PCLP on your campus

Effective Team Dynamics Initiative

The Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative (ETD) is building interdependent teams who work effectively through team challenges to obtain outcomes that are above those reached by individuals working independently. ETD equips faculty with skills to teach graduate and undergraduate students to work effectively in teams. The program has expanded to a campus-wide initiative that includes over 5000 students and 800 faculty/staff that have been trained during the past three years.

As part of the GT Effective Team Dynamics Initiative, a workshop for graduate students in interdisciplinary research teams was developed. The workshop can be delivered in a one day, two 1/2 day, 50 min modules, or self-serve via a Canvas Course. A facilitator guide and a train-the-trainer workshop was developed to enable others to conduct the workshop at their universities. The workshop offers a participant workbook and a slide-deck that is used for the facilitation. The Self-serve canvas course delivers the workbook as worksheets and “quizzes” in the Canvas learning management system.

Deliver the ETD workshop to your campus

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The Mental Health Opportunities for Professional Empowerment in STEM (M-HOPES) is a collaborative project led by Montana Technological University, Montana State University Billings, and the University of Montana.

Our objectives are to:

  • Build a set of innovative, inclusive, evidence-based experiences that enable diverse STEM graduate students to acquire skills for positive mental health and resilience
  • Provide innovative professional-development experiences for STEM faculty advisors to support graduate-student mental health and transform the cultures of their departments to become more inclusive
  • Pilot the scale-up and expansion of these innovations to other campus settings Pilot HOPES on your campus Download HOPES Session at the OCHE Mental Health Summit

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